For the Airbnb Wow Wall
Few design elements in Airbnb design have quite as much wow factor as art.
At the same time, getting art ‘right’ is not easy. It’s very easy to stray into the yawn territory with art, especially if you just put something up hoping it will all turn out ok (it usually doesn’t). Not getting it right means you have wasted an opportunity to wow your guests. And ‘wows’ impact your bottom line via bookings and good reviews, so let’s walk through one of our knock-out strategies that works every time.
And it’s not hard to figure out either (yay!).
Most people are afraid of large-scale art pieces because they mistakingly think such sizes are overwhelming.
The opposite is true.
Large art pieces are hugely (no pun intended) impactful because they ‘wow’ an area by the capture and domination method. You can’t help but stop and stare at their arresting power.
We find or create pieces that make statements, sometimes literally (see immediately below) about the design concept we’ve created for the home.

We favor large-scale pieces that aren’t your everyday sight. In other words, we hate BORING art. Instead, we go for those pieces that make you think, laugh, or feel curious, hopefully all at the same time.

Don’t be afraid to get crazy here. Art in vacation homes is a short-lived experience so people expect to be ‘wowed’ for the short-term. This is not art meant for the long-term experience so don’t be conservative; in fact, we basically shun conservative art in our designs.

So go have fun hanging some large-scale art. You won’t regret it and we promise your guests will ooh and ahh!